Saturday, November 07, 2009

Needfull Things

It's been a week. I could really have lived without this one.

The first and more minor news is that both boys and I have bronchitis. Dad, when he heard me coughing on the phone this afternoon, asked me if I was sure it wasn't pneumonia, so now I'm thinking I should probably haul the lot of us down to the doctor on Monday just to be on the safe side. Even if it's not, it's miserable. No other symptoms, just this hacking cough that produces gobs of phlegm and won't go away for anything. Yesterday I was coughing so much and so hard I was starting to get streaks of blood from my lovely raw throat. Neither Robbie or Aaron has gotten that bad yet, but they're certainly not happy campers.

In more major news, Dad W. apparently has liver cancer. Whether it's primary liver cancer or metastasized from elsewhere is unknown yet. Neither is exactly a good option. To make things even better, he's down at his old house by himself right now because his insurance doesn't switch up to this state until Jan. 1 - until then, everything but ER care has to be down there. After Jan. 1, of course, everything except ER care has to be up here. Which is going to be interesting to manage in the middle of cancer treatment. Right now we're trying to figure out how to get him back up here, since he drove down, but post-biopsy isn't in good shape for driving back up. We were going to go get him this weekend, but he hasn't been released yet, and Monday Rob leaves for Brazil. At this point we're thinking we'll have him fly up, and we can retrieve his truck at a later point. My Brother-in-law may fly down to escort him, which would be welcome. I think Dad W. can probably use all the support and family contact he can get right now. Once he's here, I can provide attention and care, but with no extended family here, there's simply no way I can drive down and collect him by myself.

I hope to God Rob doesn't catch this bronchitis just as he's traveling, or Dad W. once he's back up here. That would be all either one of them would need.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy, really sorry to hear about your family. It must be so hard trying to think and plan when you are not well yourself. I can't imagine there is anything sensible I could do from across the pond but...sending lots of best wishes for better health for you all.

Felicia said...

Oh, Cindy - so sorry to hear about your father! Hoping the details about his cancer so a treatment plan can be developed will happen quickly.

Hoping your family is on the mend from bronchitis as well. Feel better soon :-)

wh44 said...

Prayers and best wishes for Dad W. and you and the whole family.

Perpetual Beginner said...

Thanks Nicola, Felicia & Bill. The boys' brochitis is sounding much better today, particularly Aaron's. I'm hoping mine follows suit.

Dad Wood trumped all the family discussion on travel by having a friend drop him at the Greyhound Station almost straight from the hospital. Assuming he makes the bus OK, I'm supposed to go pick him up around 4am(!) this morning.

We should get more detailed results from the biopsy later this week.