Wednesday, March 10, 2010


March 30th is going to be Robbie's orange belt test. Both Sensei and I have been very impressed by the way he's buckled downa and worked lately, and he's more than ready.

April 3rd is Dad W's next set of scans (at least the first bit - there are several scans involved). We'll see how much the two rounds on chemo/radiation have done. These are the scans that determine how we're going forward.

April 10 is a black belt only Isshinryu tournament in Nashville. Both Sensei & I are planning on going - and because he's still active and in the area, there's a reasonable chance that my first sensei will be there, and a near certainty that some of the local black belts that I knew from back then will attend. It would be very cool to be able to introduce my two sensei.

March 15th - my mom's first appointment with a breast cancer specialist, as she just had a biopsy come back showing two kinds of cancer. Fortunately neither is very advanced, but really the odds of two in the same place at the same time have got to be long. Weird versions of Doublemint gum commercials keep floating through my brain.

Those are the biggies for right now. I'm using a bit of freeware called Chaos Manager to keep track of various appointments now. It's a very apt name.


Matt said...

Best of luck to your son - I'm sure he's going to perform great. What do you think he'll have to do for his test?

Also my best wishes for your parents. That can be a very tough thing to go through.

Perpetual Beginner said...

Thanks for the good wishes, Matt. They're much appreciated.

Robbie's test will have four kata (3 beginner kata, plus Seisan), demonstrations of basic techniques (3 stances, 3 hand techniques, 3 kicking techniques), some history and terminology, and possibly some sparring - though that could be tricky, since Robbie is about half the size of the next largest student.

Felicia said...

All the best to Robbie - I'm sure he'll do great!

Thoughts with your FIL and your mom - as well as for you. We all know that when you family is "going through," you are as well. Hang in there and don't forget to take time to recharge and rejuvenate. Hard to be there for them if you are exhausted and running on fumes.